Morning Reflections
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Your Source of Daily Inspiration
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We pray all is well with you and yours as we continue in the midst of this pandemic. We trust God is keeping you safe and blessed. Our prayers continue for each of you.

This is the time of the year, that we make our annual Morning Reflection Ministry appeal. The funds are used to help cover the cost that is incurred to distribute and maintain the Morning Reflections website and more importantly, provide for those that need assistance during the holiday season. Due to the pandemic, we initiated our investment into the community in March, and have continued our giving. Our outreach includes our local community and our mission in Haiti. We invite you to invest in these efforts.

As a way of saying thank you we would like to send all that give a financial gift of $35 or more one of our magnetic calendars (we are asking slightly more this year due to rising costs in postage and printing).

Your financial gift can be given in any of the following ways:
(1) Via PayPal: Click Here
(2) Cash App: $crcmreflections Click Here
(3) Givelify: Morning Reflections Click Here
(4) By Postal Mail: Morning Reflections, PO Box 725, Manalapan, NJ 07726
If you are giving $35 or more please email your name and mailing address to

Be Blessed,
Bishop and Lady Rubin


Encouraging words from a few of the recipients…

The Morning Reflections mean so very much to me each weekday morning and I email to one-hundred people each day.

Just wanted you to know that the Morning Reflections are being a blessing to me and my co-workers. I’m beginning to see print-outs of certain ones hanging in their cubicles. 

I thought it quite amazing that the Holy Spirit would use your Reflection to speak directly to me, as they often do...but never as direct as today.

May God continue to bless you to be a blessing in the lives of others.

I just wanted to thank you for your time and effort you put into Morning Reflections. I have it as my default web page and never go a whole two days without reading it. I thank you for allowing the Lord to use you and I definitely believe these are anointed by God. The Reflection is always relevant to my daily situations. Thank you and continue to let God use you.